Ikea quality control

Quality control checks against the manufacturing specification.

Quality assurance produces to manage all functions that affect quality.

Ikea is know to be an excellent brand for furniture and it is know with it’s good quality products. In order for Ikea to achieve this reputation and meet the demands of the customer it has taken into consideration the top two terms.

Ikea designs unique products that are low manufacturing costs while meeting strict requirements for function, efficient distribution, quality, and impact on the environment. More than 50% of their products are made of recycled items, it uses a few products and without compromising the quality and the durability of the product.

Reference: https://www.tradegecko.com/blog/ikeas-inventory-management-strategy-ikea

Ikea passes through variety of checks before bringing a product to the market, they check the product for durability, functioning-does it function properly, and mainly wheather it meets the predicted quality. Once all these checks are done the product is taken out on the marker.

Ergonomics and anthropometrics in relation to design

Ergonomics is the study of size, comfort and safety in relation to the human and the product.

Anthropometrics relation to design of furniture and machinery.

When designers create products they combine ergonomics and anthropometrics to create the best and the most efficient product out on the market not only to give the best they can but to maintain sales as well.

When designing a particular item ergonomics should always  be taken into consideration. Any time a new product is designed the product is created often towards certain category of people, for example ergonomics is a must when you are designing a product for children and the measurement the comfort and the safety are different. When designing a certain product different data should be collected from secondary or primary sources, in order for individuals to fit into the category of ergonomics. For instance when designing a shoe you collect data from different people considering the sizes, as well as what materials are used in order to create either softness,comfortness at different parts of the shoes. Anthropometrics however is to do with the whole process of manufacturing the products as it is the relation to design of furniture and machinery.

Anthropometrics are concerned with the appliance of ergonomics to the human form and are used to explain the user or target range for your product. Anthropometric data is displayed with a table. It shows the average measurements of the human form. ‘Anthropo’ means ‘human’ and ‘metrics’ means ‘measurements’. 

In conclusion I believe, anthropometrics should be used in hand with ergonomics as this is the proper and the efficient way of creating a product and designers often want to have the best product out there for number of reasons, this cannot be achieved unless those two big criteria are added into the method and design as well as process of making the product.

Food Labels

Food labels contain different nutritional facts based on the item that they are on.

Chips is something we all love and enjoy, it is made of potatoes that are fried and  a strong flavor is added to it.

Image result for food labels chipsReference: https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/qeK4SzP5l37FQk88z.Z3Zg–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/http://magazines.zenfs.com/resizer/original/7gwCuVKpDtYkW3D-XKC-hHEs-zc

Kit Kat is a type of waffle based chocolate treat, it comes in two types of chocolate: dark and milky.

Reference:http: //i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/06/18/article-2344177-1A6404A6000005DC-529_634x543.jpg

Hershey’s is a brand that produces different type of chocolate treats from syrups to candies etc. Here is an example of a syrup.


  • It gives you nutritional facts
  • Copyright symbol

Related imageReference: https://desgec.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/bc51f-1.jpg

  • It gives the net weight of the tomato souse.

Reference: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d7/4d/57/d74d57fcc10ab5dcac7b90d9d98d65a7.jpg

  • It is given the fat value on the top right corner of the package, 98%.

Reference: http://priorypresspackaging.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/food-packaging-51.jpg

  • The ingredients  are given
  • The degrees are shown at what temperature the food have to be kept
  • Country made at


  • At the bottom left corner there is a computer mouse  which is a sign that you can find out more about the product online on a particular website
  •  As well there is a tick showing that is suitable for certain types of people like for example, vegetarian.


  • There is different test done on this box as you can see the signs that certain companies or organisations have done testing on that specific product.

Image result for plastic food packaging designReference: http://remdesign.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/SANITAS-SILICON-FOOD-CONTAINERS-1200ML_LAYOUT.jpg

  • On this product is given recycling logo which explains the recycling destinations.
  • There is a fork and a glass, showing that food could be contained in there.
  • There is also the little man that throws rubbish in the bin this shows that it could be thrown away in the appropriate bins.
  • A barcode is given.
  • And a phone is shown that in any need due to issue or information the customer and turn up and call.
  • A facebook page  is given as well maybe for reviews, or in order to keep the customer updated on what is going on and what is new.

Reference: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a9/38/02/a93802844938c0233f0c3b94cb472fec.jpg

  • Here signs are given about age and after what age a baby can consume the product.


  • A sign that is a natural product or that natural products are put into the product is given.

Image result for juice label designReference: http://studio150.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/label-big-2b.jpg

  • Kingdom Fruits the company’s logo is displayed.


The Product Design Cycle

In this assignment we are going to look at “The One Touch can opener”. A discussion will be made on it how the product is designed and what materials are used. Certain issues will be discussed as well.

The One Touch can opener is very popular and extremely easy for use as it opens metal cans by one touch. It is made so it is easy to be held the machine itself is not large and it takes the exact shape of the palm. By pressing the button the Can openers spins and cuts perfectly though the lid of the can and lid is attached to the the opener, this is done for safety of the customer to prevent any cuts.

Reference: http://mas-design.com/wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/One%20Touch/Can%20Opener/One%20touch%20Opener.jpg

The One Touch can opener is design because customers have always had issues opening tin cans unless there is a small handle which is pull up and dragged back, but not all of the tin cans have a handle for opening and that’s the main reason why customer demand such a product on the market.

Specifications and features of One Touch Can opener:

World’s first and original can opener
Automatic, one-touch of a button operation
Eliminates twisting, pulling & struggling
Opens round can of all sizes
Walks around can and switches off automatically
Attractive, streamlined contemporary design to suit any kitchen decor
Easy lift “lid-off” after can has been opened
Safe – no sharp edges on lid
Perfect for seniors or anyone with weak or infirm hands
Runs on AA-sized alkaline or rechargeable batteries
Patented technology

Table referencing: http://www.onetouchproducts.com/canopener.htm

Planning this product will come about with many sketches and research into materials and technology. The designers had to think about whether the design meets customer’s expectation. The planners had to think about whether there were such technology or materials for this product to be designed. They also had to think about the color whether is suitable or not, is it the right shape to be hand held etc. They also had to think about the problems that may come up later on such as, is the plastic strong enough, are the blades sharp enough or will they have to be sharped after purchasing the opener, is it possible for it to get stuck while opening a can etc.

Design is very important as it is the main part the promotes the product. They had to think about colors, example would be what colors would be suitable for every kitchen, whether the design and the shape is perfectly falling on the palm of the hand etc.

They created a simpler version of the One Touch can opener, in order to test the blades, the plastic, is it safe to be held by anyone, does it fit all sizes. All of these tests are done before a new product is brought on the market. Once all of the checks and tests have been confirmed positively the product is released.

After all the testing has been done on safety, aesthetic, and features and it has been approved. It is let on the market. Then a feedback is taken from the customers, by surveys and questionnaires, whether the product design was successful.

School Band Uniform

In this assignment we will look at school band uniform and logo. The logo will be representing the school and as well it will be appropriate for it. The colors used will be mainly in the scheme of  (black, yellow, red, white).

The design logo will be a lion with red mane and with open mouth to represent the power and the strength of the band. The mouth will be open to represent the strong voices of the singers in the band. Under the logo there will be written the school name and the year that the school was invented.


The Uniform that the logo will be presented on classy button-up shirt either in black or white with it a dark blue jumper. For boys there will be trousers(black, grey) and shoes will be normal black smart looking shoes. Trainers will not be accepted. For girls there will be an option between skirt or trousers(grey, black) with a black or white button-up shirt shoes will be normal black flats:

For men: The logo will be displayed in the right side of the shirt on the pectoral muscles. The writing of the School name will will be in the format: “Corsiva” and it will be right under the logo.


Referencing for the second picture:http://static4.shop.indiatimes.com/images/products/additional/original/B2690622_View_1/fashion/trousers-chinos/fever-black-men-semi-formal-trousers-211602-blk.jpg

For the ladies the trousers will come in two options either high or low wasted, black or grey and the classy shirt will come in two colors black and white. The ladies will not have jumpers but they will have clear black blazer which will be optional depending on the whether.

Image result for black trousers white button up shirt girlsImage result for black trousers white button up shirt girls

Reference picture one: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/76/13/ea/7613ea62567f68cdc49d884b1b62ffc4.jpg

Reference picture two: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/de/f1/8bdef15dd740f4bb35b0bff80b107412.jpg

Skirts option:

Related image

Reference for picture one: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/45/35/414535ebec25edd4fb1a5a4c06be4ff6.jpg

Reference of picture number two: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/45/50/fc/4550fc3574d915fdba9c509dda17b066.jpg


Implications and manufacturing in designs

In today’s assignment we are going to talk about design appearance and manufacturing. When designers are designing a product they have to think weather the design meets the requirements of the customers and very importantly whether the design can actually be manufactured and the how the outcome will look and the materials used for that particular item.
Large photoBeoLab 8000 Active Loudspeakers; Reference for information and picture: https://www.beoworld.org/prod_details.asp?pid=802
BeoLab 8000 it looks very unrealistic which shows classy appearance as well because of the way they are designed they can fit into any type of styled room. They are used for music mainly and to produce any type of sound. At the bottom of the speaker there is a small flap in which contains a control box. The control box has jack which can be easily connected to a different device to produce music. They are very interestingly designed as the holding point of the speaker is a pointy like pencil end which must have been very hard to produce as they would have had to find the balance point.Image result for control panel of beolab 8000Referencing:http://sound-affair.com/beolab-8000-speakers

Another item is the Dyson Ball barrow it is made from plastic mainly it comes in several colors. It is very easy to use as it is very light and the wheel was purposely made plastic in order to prevent sinking. As well it was made in special way and the barrow balance point has an effect on the wheel in order to help in the movement.
In the manufacturing the engineers thought correctly and used the most suitable materials in order to provide the features that were required by the customers. Which are lightweight for carrying, as well making sure the wheelbarrow can take enough weight without bending the plastic as it is mainly made from plastic.


Spyder Ski jacket is a jacket made to be used while skiing or hiking in the mountains during winter. It is made from material that protects from wind which is very important in mountains as well it keeps warm and has phosphor in order people to be recognised at night. This phosphor strips will help if a person gets lost as it will be able to spot the person a lot quicker. The manufacturers may have found it hard to put all the materials together at the right places.


Ski boots like the jacket are very important in sports like skiing as the boots are made in such a way to keep the foot in one place in order to prevent any injuries like twisting of the ankle or a sprain. The boots have strips which can be tighten depending on the person on order to keep on the foot and prevent injury. The manufacturers may have found it hard to attach such a good thick grip to the bottom of the boot and at the same time to be removable.


Alessi Lemon Squeezer is another very famous design, it is made out of steel in order to last for longer and so the metal does not get ruined. It has spider like shape which is very stable as it has 3 legs (the metal parts that it stands on). The  product looks very classy and it can be placed anywhere as a statue or to be used. The manufacturers may have faces challenges like; making it balanced by finding the balance point, as well if the juice will be falling exactly in the glass preventing spillage. Image result for alessi lemon squeezerReferencing: http://www.awhiteroom.com/media/catalog/product/a/l/alessi-juicy-salif-citrus-squeezer.jpg

Smart cars are very popular as they are small and compact, there for many people buy it. Smart cars are with who doors and two seated, it has small engine about 1.8, and it has a small space at the back for groceries. Manufacturers may have find it difficult to produce such a small engine and the small items required for the smart car. The wheels are another challenge they may have faced as they are just a little big bigger and wider than a motorcycle.Image result for smart carsReference: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ea/Smart_car_alloy.jpg

Food is something humans enjoy and food brings happiness at all times, Diabetic chocolate bar is type of bar that is made in order for diabetic people to enjoy sweets as well without being harmful to their diagnosis. The bars have a label that provides the information about diabetics and at the back there is easy readable label. Manufacturers may have found it hard to provide the customers with all the information on the label, and sometimes the terms used are not understandable which causes customers to research on the item. Another food product is Fat-free and sugar-free yogurts they are packed very thigh which makes then smaller and compact. As well the customer does not have to worry about spillage. Manufacturers may have find it challenging of how to produce the right shape for it and to keep it compact without the yogurt falling from the open sides.

  Image result for irish yogurts free and sugar free yoghurtsReferencing: https://desgec.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/c290e-9693diabeticturkishdelightbar.jpg

I Pod’s are technological devices that are for music mainly they are very easy to use they have a circle button  where you can switch songs and move in the menu. It looks very pretty it comes in different colors and it is very easy to use. The manufacturers may have found it hard to produce it due to compacting it into one small item but still smart. As well the materials used have to be very reliable and strong because many customers that buy the product are demanding good quality for the price given. Therefor the manufacturers have to think of good materials for production of this item. Image result for first ipodReference: https://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/img/EVeoXGeMUi2yGG0o8CoQ78X0tik=/770×578/2011/10/24/25a4acd6-cbf2-11e2-9a4a-0291187b029a/ipod4.jpg

For some of the items manufacturers struggle to find the right material to manufacture the product. There have been cases in which manufacturers find it impossible to produce certain item due to it’s design or materials not being invented yet (technological advances).

Baby feeding products

In this assignment we will be looking at baby feeding products, that mothers request and it would make everything a lot more easier for parents and especially mothers . The mother will be able to identify when the food is at the appropriate temperature for intake by baby .

Referennce:http: //www.tommeetippee.co.uk/assets/images/global/fb.jpg

Tommee  Tippee is a company producing all types of baby products from bottles for milk at first stage after giving birth to spoons and bowls when older. Tommee Tippee produced the sensor for heat spoon because mothers were struggling to identify when the food is at the right temperature for the baby to consume  it. The old method of identifying it was by trying the food but, mothers and their babies have different understand of what is warm and what is hot, as well mothers can get cold which may lead to passing on the cold to the baby if the mother had to try the food every time. As well if the food is not mixed up properly some bits may be cooler than others, which may lead stomach ache due to different temperature of the food.


Therefor Tommee Tippee produced heat sensor spoon which changes colors depending on the heat if the food is too hot the spoon becomes red when the food is at the right temperature it becomes yellow.

Features :

  • Unique heat sensing feature
  • Helps you to know when food is too hot for baby
  • Cool Colors

Reference: http://www.cubbees.com/v2/product_images/y/208/New_Heat_Sensor_Soft_Tip_Weaning_Spoons__43166_zoom.jpg

Reference: http://www.cubbees.com/v2/product_images/y/208/New_Heat_Sensor_Soft_Tip_Weaning_Spoons__43166_zoom.jpg

Characteristics of the spoon that may be important  for parents:

Hygiene for the products: Bottle and spoons can be freely put into dishwashers and then sterilized.When using a dishwasher, be sure not to put baby bottles, spoons and teats in with strong colored or oily food as the color and residue from the food can transfer. We also advise that you sterilize the bottles, spoons and teats in close to natural sterilizers after washing, before use.  Reference: http://asda.scene7.com/is/image/Asda/2673512_a?hei=532&wid=910&qlt=85&fmt=pjpg&resmode=sharp&op_usm=1.1,0.5,0,0&defaultimage=default_details_George_rd

 What is the right temperature a baby should be feed at?  –This is not so much a matter of health, but a matter of preference. It is perfectly safe and healthy to feed your baby food straight from the refrigerator as long as the food is thoroughly cooked and has been stored properly.

Many babies have a preference for warmed foods versus cold foods, however, so if your baby refuses to eat cold food, just keep trying gradually, and chances are, she will adjust.

Referencing: https://fthmb.tqn.com/34wnbe9WYXSUWiydoP1iATOLdww=/768×0/filters:no_upscale()/about/86475384-56aafc1a3df78cf772b4b90c.jpg

Information References : http://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/product/heat-sensing-spoons/\






Casio watches

Homework 2.3

Image result for casio watches

Referencing: https://www.casio.co.uk/products/timepieces/casio-collection/

Casio watches come in two different pieces for this design in particular: Different forms of Casio watches.

Image result for casio watches gold Referencing :https://www.pinterest.com/explore/casio-gold/

This type of Casio watches are made from alloy metals and  covered with stainless steel. “Microchips are typically made of silicon, while LEDs are usually made of gallium arsenide, gallium phosphide, or gallium arsenide phosphide. LCDs consist of liquid crystals sandwiched between glass pieces. Electrical contacts between parts are usually made of a small amount of gold (or are gold plated); gold is an almost ideal electrical conductor and can be used successfully in very small amounts”.- Has  been said by bjerkeliwatches.com in the website of: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-1/Watch.html#ixzz4OebeMaBZ

Image result for casio watches gold in making processRefrencing:http://www.ebay.es/itm/Orologio-Da-Polso-Casio-Donna-Oro-Quarzo-Nero-Digitale-La670Wga-1-Gold-/162113159199

The function of a Casio watch is to show the time, set alarm, on some Casions like the one shown above, there is a calculator that is easily used and very small and portable. Casio watches look very smart but they can worn everyday and fit perfectly with any type of clothing. They come in different metal colours, the most common one is gold, then there is silver, bronze and in some shops you can find other colours. Shapes are not many for that particular item just the small display that shows the hours changer from wider to thinner. Casio has triple sensory characteristics which has improved accuracy, is 95% slimmer, and uses 90% less power. Three high-sensitivity miniaturized sensors take accurate measurements.

Casio parts: it has steel coverage with allay metals, as well the bracelet has nice easy o open and close lock, but at the same time very secure in order to prevent loss. Casio watches have a black display or depending on the colour of the watch, on the display it is shown very simply all the features and 3 buttons on the sides to regulate the watch , one of the buttons is for LED light at night which when holded shines. At the back there is a battery and it gives different information on where the watch was made.

Casio watch price it depends on the country and the shop that is sold at, for example in the casio website the watch in silver costs about $30 USD to about $80 USD. However in Cyprus in Debenhams the price is about 70 euros but in gold shade. Casio is worth its cost as they re long lasting and the battery does not need to be changed often. It is not easy to get scratched or damaged easily as well. The cost of making one Casio watch maybe just about half of the price as there are not many features on it. Therefore the profit is high.

Maintenance of casio is very easy as it is a long lasting watch and only batteries need to be changed once in a while for further maintenance there is  guarantee given and the company takes care of the damage until certain point in time and depending on the damage. But since the cost is very low people can easily buy  a new watch.

Referece websie for the materials of Casio: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-1/Watch.html#ixzz4OebeMaBZ

Referencing for the sensory characteristics: http://protrek.casio.com/features

Referencing for the prices: http://www.amazon.in/Casio-Watches/b?ie=UTF8&node=3965458031

For some of the other questions i used my own knowledge since i have the watch.

Continuous Improvement

Homework 2.3

Image result for toyota workers

Continuous improvement – making a design better, an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. These efforts can seek “incremental” improvement over time or “breakthrough” improvement all at once.

Total quality management–  describes a management approach to long–term success through customer satisfaction. All members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work.

Quality Circles – is a group of people that researches into new trends, materials or methods that they later on discuss about and include in the production of a product. They meet regularly to consider ways of resolving problems and improving production in their organization.

Toyota has 3 key principles in improvement. Toyota requires that the logic and benefit of all improvements are  carefully evaluated before being implemented. This is achieved by employing the concept of the ‘5 whys?’.


Every planned improvement needs to be tested by questioning ‘why?’ at five levels to ensure that its logic and value is clear.

Quality circles : As well as the ‘5 why’s?’ there is another key that leads to their success. The Toyota Production System invites team members to think about the process and make timely decisions in order to keep it running smoothly, rather than operating like machines.

Managers have to create culture, to improve communication,  and install commitment so people can contribute to performance as much as possible. This will lead to better products and to better teamwork  and ideas between employees.Employees are treated equally  regardless their position. The managers make sure all employees are working efficiently and  Toyota takes care to nurture a sense of pride and efficiency in the workplace.

Reference of the first picture: http://www.toyota-global.com/sustainability/society/employees/

 Reference of information and the “5 why’s” picture: http://www.toyota-forklifts.eu/En/company/Toyota-Production-System/Kaizen/Pages/default.aspx

Technology push

Dyson – Technology push.

Technology push – Technology push is a part of a business strategy of a company. In the innovation, there is a distinction between technology push and market pull or demand pull.

In this assignment we are going to look at “Dyson” products. Dyson is a company producing products such as; Vacuum cleaners, Fans, Heaters and Tools.

Vacuum cleaners were used only with a disposable bag that the waist used to be collected and then thrown out once the bag is full, the main purpose of this disposable bag was to show the customer that the dust and the rest of the rubbish had been effectively collected. However most of the customers think that this causes messiness which makes them dislike the method. As there was great market pull for “green” long lasting vacuum container that should not be changed but just cleaned and placed back as it will make it easier.

The difference between disposable bag vacuum cleaner and the new vacuum cleaner which recycles the rubbish as well as it is a lot smaller and more powerful and at the same time is environmentally friendly.

Image result for dyson disposable bags and non disposable vacuum cleaners

As you can see the the customers demand (Market Pull) has lead to designers producing just a container that can be easily used without creating a mess and spending money on disposable bags. Product has improved due to better and new technology in order to make the customers life easier and to cause great increase in the sales if the product meets the requirements of the customer.


Pictures, Information: http://www.coreypangdysonmp3.com/brand-values.php http://www.gadgethelpline.com/vacuum-dustup-bagged-bagless-vacuum-cleaners/