Food Labels

Food labels contain different nutritional facts based on the item that they are on.

Chips is something we all love and enjoy, it is made of potatoes that are fried and  a strong flavor is added to it.

Image result for food labels chipsReference:–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/

Kit Kat is a type of waffle based chocolate treat, it comes in two types of chocolate: dark and milky.

Reference:http: //

Hershey’s is a brand that produces different type of chocolate treats from syrups to candies etc. Here is an example of a syrup.


  • It gives you nutritional facts
  • Copyright symbol

Related imageReference:

  • It gives the net weight of the tomato souse.


  • It is given the fat value on the top right corner of the package, 98%.


  • The ingredients  are given
  • The degrees are shown at what temperature the food have to be kept
  • Country made at


  • At the bottom left corner there is a computer mouse  which is a sign that you can find out more about the product online on a particular website
  •  As well there is a tick showing that is suitable for certain types of people like for example, vegetarian.


  • There is different test done on this box as you can see the signs that certain companies or organisations have done testing on that specific product.

Image result for plastic food packaging designReference:

  • On this product is given recycling logo which explains the recycling destinations.
  • There is a fork and a glass, showing that food could be contained in there.
  • There is also the little man that throws rubbish in the bin this shows that it could be thrown away in the appropriate bins.
  • A barcode is given.
  • And a phone is shown that in any need due to issue or information the customer and turn up and call.
  • A facebook page  is given as well maybe for reviews, or in order to keep the customer updated on what is going on and what is new.


  • Here signs are given about age and after what age a baby can consume the product.


  • A sign that is a natural product or that natural products are put into the product is given.

Image result for juice label designReference:

  • Kingdom Fruits the company’s logo is displayed.


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